Resophonic ASAT Special Pg. 2


Strung up, with the resonator in, the biscuit attached, the cover on, and the tail piece attached.  It sounds OK in pure acoustic mode.

Still no electronics.  To this point, I was just trying to prove the concept that I could do this.  And I can!

Now I have to figure out what resonator pickup to put in it.  Piezo, but what brand, etc.......

Obviously, the body, fully routed and ready to put together.

The top horn is the only place I can see to put the controls, eventually a volume, tone, & blend.

It’s ALIVE!!!  It worked the first time.  Miracles do happen. 

Of course, I messed something up.  Originally, the biscuit was too tall, the action at the butt end of the neck was way too high.  So I sanded it down, and now it’s too low.  It works, but there is not enough tension on the cone to really get the resonator sound.  I will have to replace it.

Thru the amp, it sounds more like an ASAT than a resonator guitar.  But it sounds REALLY clean, no noise or hum or anything.

Where do you attach the string ground when the cone is aluminum and the bridge is wood?  The screw for the tailpiece works just fine.

The issue I have to deal with is:  Do I pretty up the back of the guitar and put in a backplate, which would require removal of all the electronics, or do I just leave it? 

Removing the tape of course.

I am inclined to say “F it” and leave it be.

PS: Yes, that is me in reflection off the cover.  And yes.  I am wearing shorts.
